Sharad Agarwal

ACM Distinguished Engineer | Senior Principal Researcher | Angel Investor


@ Microsoft Research,

@ Grubstakes,

@ Seattle, WA

I am an experienced tech innovator in cloud computing, networking, and distributed systems. I have used AI+ML to solve challenging scale problems in Azure, built a scalable cloud service on Azure to serve >21 million users including on Windows 10, and optimized the Windows Phone 8 networking stack.

I am an ACM Distinguished Engineer. I am a co-inventor on over 140 issued patents. I have co-authored over 40 academic publications, including at NSDI, SIGCOMM, MobiSys, and USENIX ATC, with over 8,000 citations and an H-index of 45. I have served on over 60 academic committees.

As an active angel investor, I have over 20 startups in my portfolio, some having graduated from Y Combinator, and raised capital from large VC firms. I mentor and invest in startup founders through Grubstakes and other groups in Seattle.

You can find out more about me and contact me via my LinkedIn profile.